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Clear Sky Charts
in California

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AVAC Kings Canyon Site
Observing site of The Antelope Valley Astronomy Club.
Afton Canyon Campground
campground near Interstate 15 along the Mojave River between Barstow and Baker.
Ahwahnee Hills Observatory
A private observatory located in Ahwahnee.
Amboy Crater
Centered on the parking lot of Amboy Crater, a public nature site near the town of Amboy.
AngelKillarney s City
AKA Angels Camp. A town in Calaveras county.
Angelus Oaks Heliport
Area 52 Observatory
A private observatory near Ventura.
Arnold Observatory
A private observatory.
Arroyo Grande
Arthur Purcell Observatory
Observatory of the Tulare Astronomical Association.
Artis Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around Yosemite Lakes.
Astro-chalet West
A private observatory.
Forecast also covers the Auburn State Recreation Area
Automata Internet Observatory
In Pearblossom.
BREIT IDEAS Observatory
A private observatory.
Home of the Kern Astronomical Society.
Barking Spider Observatory
A private observatory near Castro Valley.
Baskin Engineering Observatory
An observatory of the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Bateson Observatory
A private observatory near Susanville.
Baum Lake
Bayt Observatory
A private observatory near Coarsegold.
Bear Valley
A town in Alpine county. Forecast also covers Tamarack and Lake Alpine.
Big Bear City
In the San Bernardino Mountains
Big Bear Solar Observatory
Aka BBSO. Solar Observatory operated by the New Jersey Institute of Technology. On Big Bear Lake.
Big Bird Observatory
A private observatory near Paradise.
Big Falls Campground
A campground near Forest Falls.
Big Meadow
Observing site used by the Tulare Astronomical Association and the Central Valley Astronomers.
Big Stump
An entrance to Sequoia & Kings Canyon national park. Used as a backup observing site of the Central Valley Astronomers.
Bishop Observatory
A private observatory north of Bishop.
Black Mountain Observatory
A site of a future private observatory near Hornbrook.
Blackrock Ranger Station
Blue Canyon
Airport site used by the Sacramento Valley Astronomical Society.
Blue Ridge
The general area of Blue Ridge, in the Vaca Mountains.
Home of the Colorado River Astronomy Club.
Bonny Doon Airfield
A site used by the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club.
Borrego Springs
Home to the Nightfall star party, held by the Riverside Astronomical Society (RAS) at the Palm Canyon Resort.
Boulder Knolls Observatory
A private observatory, with Minor Planet Center code G74.
Bowen Observatory
Observatory of Cuesta College.
Brandy Creek Boat Ramp
Used by some members of the Shasta Astronomy Club. On Whiskytown Lake. Forecast covers the Whiskytown National Recreation Area.
Forecast also covers Byran and Oakley.
Bridgeport Lake Private Observatory
A private observatory in Bridgeport Valley.
Bright Skies Observatory
A private observatory to promote the science and technology of CCD based astro-photography in light polluted areas.
Buckhorn Recreation Area
Recreation area and campground on Black Butte Lake. Home of the Black Butte Lake Star Party.
Buena Vista Observatory
A private observatory.
Byrne Observatory
An observatory that is one of a global network of observatories run by the organization called the Las Cumbres Observatory. Located at the Sedgwick Reserve (BOS) which is owned by the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB).
An array of millimeter-wave radio telescopes.
CBA Concord Observatory
A private Observatory. Part of the Center for Backyard Astrophysics.
CSM Observatory
Observatory of the astronomy department of College of San Mateo.
Cabrillo College Observatory
Observatory of Cabrillo College.
Cachuma Lake Recreation Area
Recreation area used by the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit (SBAU).
Cal Poly Observatory
Observatory of California Polytechnic State University. Near San Luis Obispo.
California City
California Institute of Technology
Research and education institution with astronomy outreach events.
Cameron Park Rotary Club Community Observatory
A community observatory built and operated by the Rotary Club of Cameron Park, the El Dorado County Office of Education, and Folsom Lake College. In El Dorado County.
Camp Rock Road
10 miles north east of Lucerne Valley.
7 miles east of Onyx. In the Kern valley.
Carlos Lemmi Observatory
A private observatory near Rancho Palos Verdes. MPC G71.
Carrizo Plain National Monument
Centered on KCL Campground, this chart covers most of Carrizo Plain National Monument. Near Taft.
Caspers Wilderness Park
Campground and site of an International Starry Night starparty to observe the 2013 Perseids.
Castro Valley
Cedar Glen Observatory
(A private observatory near Cedar Glen.
A site of the RECON project
Cerro Alto Campground
Campground 8 miles from Morro Bay
Chabot Space and Science Center
A science center home to the Eastbay Astronomical Society. In Oakland.
Chalk Bluff Staging Area
A trailhead near Nevada City, CA.
Chamberlain Creek Rest Stop
A public rest-stop on Highway 20.
Chico Community Observatory
A community observatory in Upper Bidwell Park.
Chuchupate Ranger Station
Members of the Kern Astronomical Society observe nearby.
Chula Vista Observatory
A private observatory.
Cielos Oscuros
An unnamed pull-off along Mesquite Valley Road. On the east edge of South Nopah Range Wilderness Area.
A site used by the Astronomical Society of Nevada and the Astronomical Group of Las Vegas. In the Mojave National Preserve.
Clarks Pass
A a spot along highway 62.
Clear Lake
Covers the Clear Lake area inclunding Boggs Mountain State Forest.
Coma Via Observatory
An observatory near Springville.
Concord Observatory
A private observatory in Concord.
Condon Peak Campground
A campground on BLM land.
Conway Summit
A dark site 12 miles north of Lee Vinning in Mono County.
Copper Mountain Observatory
Near the town of Joshua Tree which is near the north east corner of Joshua Tree National Park.
Cottontail Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around Walker.
A town in Shasta county.
Cottonwood Spring Campground
A campground at Joshua Tree National Park.
Courtright Reservoir
Observing site used by the Central Valley Astronomers
Cow Canyon Saddle
A spot in Cow Canyon, near Mt. Baldy, used as an observing and star party location by the Pomona Valley Amateur Astronomers.
Coyote Lake
A county park used by members of the SJAA and TAC.Near Gilroy.
A hill site near Crestview, a few miles north-west of Mammoth Lakes in Inyo National Forest.
Cuddeback Lake
A dry lake.
Cuesta College - North County Campus
A campus of Cuesta College. Site of star parties held by the Central Coast Astronomical Society.
Curiosity Peak Observatory
A private observatory.
Cypress Point Club
A golf course.
D.A.R.C. Observatory
A private observatory near Mercy Hot Springs.
DVHS Espace Academy
ESpace Academy, part of Deer Valley High School In Antioch.
Daniel B. Milliken Planetarium
Planetarium at Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga.
DarkSights Observatory
A private observatory.
Davenport Beach
A beach in Davenport.
A town in Yolo county.
Deep Springs Observatory
Observatory at Deep Springs College.
Del Mar
Del Valle
Site details.
Desert Center
A spot on Hwy 177 North of Interstate 10. On the west side of Palen Pass.
Desert Hot Springs
A town in Riverside county and site of star parties at the Two Bunch Palms Resort & Spa.
Devil's Punchbowl Trailhead
A Los Angeles County Park in Devil's Punchbowl Natural Area. Near Pearblossom.
Diablo Valley College
College near Concord.
Dinosaur Point
A site used by SJAA and TAC
Don Pedro Reservoir
Centered on a public scenic outlook at the north end of lake and recreation area.
Donnell Vista
A recreation area in the Stanislaus National Forest.
Dowdy Ranch Visitor Center
South-eastern visitors center of Henry Coe State Park.
Drakes Bay visitors center
Officially the Kenneth C. Patrick Vistor Center. Site of astronomy classes at the Point Reyes National Seashore national park.
Dreamweaver Observatory
A private observatory near Fillmore.
Edwards Air Force Base is an alternate shuttle landing site. Also home of the Dryden Flight Research Center.
Eagle Lake
Site of public astronomy session by Bateson Observatory personnel.
Eagle Ridge Observatory
A private observatory near Newbury Park.
Eastman Lake Recreation Area
Recreation area used by the Central Valley Astronomers.
El Cajon
El Cariso
A peak in the Santa Ana mountains at the end of Upper Carisio Rd.
El Centro
El Segundo
Elk Grove
Used for public star parties by the Sacramento Valley Astronomical Association (SVAS).
Erickson Observatory Site
Future site of Erickson Observatory (private). In Warner Springs.
Site used by the Davis Astronomers.
Ewell Observatory
Far Away Observatory
A private observatory in Valley Center.
Feather River Observatory
A private observatory in Oroville.
Fickle Hill Observatory
Observatory of Humboldt State University. Near Arcata.
A site about 6 miles east of Fiddletown proper.
Figueroa Lookout
A picnic area in Los Padres National Forest.
Folsom Lake State Recration Area
State recreation area norteast of Sacramento. Chart also covers the towns of Roseville and Folsom.
Foothill Observatory
Observatory of Foothill College. Used by the Peninsula Astronomical Society for public programs. In Los Altos Hills.
A town in Sonoma county.
Fossil Falls
In Owens valley.
Fountain Valley
Near Santa Ana.
Foxboro Park
City park, site of the Hercules Stargaze, a public star party hosted by the Hercules Stargazers.
The town in Alameda country.
Fremont Peak
A site used by SJAA and TAC. Home of the Fremont Peak Observatory. In Fremont Peak State Park.
Home of the Central Valley Astronomers.
Furnace Creek
A site used by the Astronomical Society of Nevada, Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Astronomical Society and the Astronomical Group of Las Vegas. Near Death Valley.
The Granite Mountain Desert Research Center. Lands are not open to the general public. Visitors must make reservations.
Galaxy Gazers Observatory
A private observatory near Julian.
Galbreath Wildlands Preserve
Wildlife preserve of Sonoma State University.
Garvey Ranch Observatory
Observatory in Garvey Ranch Park in the city of Monterey Park.") Operated by the Los Angeles Astronomical Society.
Ghost Pine Observatory
A private observatory in the Upper Capay Valley.
Glacier Point
A site of public star parties. In Yosemite National Park.
Goat Mountain Astronomical Research Station
aka GMARS. MPC observatory G79. A site of the Riverside Astronomical Society.
Golden State Star Party
The GSSP is a star party held by the The Astronomy Connection(TAC). Near Adin.
Granada Hills
Grandview Campground
A dark sky campground. In the White-Inyo Mountains in Big Pine.
Grasswood Observatory
A private observatory near Malibu.
Greeley Hill Observatory
A private observatory near Coulterville.
Green Acres Observatory
A private observatory.
Greenhawk Observatory
A private observatory.
A site of the RECON project
Griffith Observatory
A professional observatory with public star parties
Half Moon Bay
Halloran Summit
Hawks Landing Observatory
A private observatory
Heaven's Plateau
Site of future private observatory, Frequented by some members of the Stockton Astronomical Society . Near Wilseyville.
Henry Coe State Park
A site used by SJAA and TAC
Hensley Lake
Regular observing site of the Central Valley Astronomers.
Hercules Stargazers Alternate Site
An observing site of the Hercules Stargazers in Hanna Ranch Park.
Hidden Hill Observatory
Observatory of the Tri-Valley Stargazers
Hidden Valley Observatory
A private observatory near Soquel.
High Sierra Park
In the Stanislaus National Forest near Mi-Wuk Village.
Hole-in-the-Wall Campground
Campground in the Mojave desert.
Holmes Observatory
A private observatory near Lompico.
Homestake Dry Camp
Minimal campground in Death Valley National Park.
Horsetail Fall
A seasonal waterfall in Yosemite National Park.
Hume Observatory
Located within the Pepperwood Preserve and the home of GORT (Gamma ray Optical Robotic Telescope) of the Global Telescope Network.
Huntington Beach
Ice House Observation Plateau
Independence Creek Campground
Campground in a Inyo County.
Irvine Regional Park
A park in Orange county.
James Clerk Maxwell Observatory
A private observatory near Nevada City.
Johnson Valley
A town in San Bernardino county.
Joshua Tree Astronomy Arts Theater
Used by the Southern California Desert Video Astronomers. Located at Joshua Tree Lake RV & Campground.
Jumbo Rocks
A campground in Joshua Tree National Park.
Keeton Observing Site
A private observing site also used by some members of the Sacramento Valley Astronomical Society
Kennedy Meadows
In Sequoia National Forest.
Kneeland School Observatory
Observatory of Kneeland School. Affiliated with the Astronomers of Humbolt
Knight Sight
A private site in Helendale
LAAS -- Boy Scout Camp Road
A dark-sky site of the Los Angeles Astronomical Society on Boy Scout Camp road near Lockwood Valley Road near Fraser Park, CA.
LJR Observatory
A private observatory.
La Mesa
A town in San Diego county.
La Mesa Urban Observatory
A private observatory in Monterey.
LaBelle Observatory
A private observatory.
Lagoon Observatory
A private observatory.
Laguna Beach
Laguna Niguel
Forecast also covers San Juan Capistrano.
Lake Elsinore
Lake Riverside Estates
A private community in Aguanga.
Lake San Antonio
A site used by SJAA and TAC
Lake Shastina
About 17 miles north of Mt. Shasta.
Lake Sonoma
A site used by TAC
Lassen National Park
Two sites used by TAC: Devastated Area and Bumpass Hell. No, really. I'm not making this up.
Lava Beds National Monument
National monument
Lawrence Hall of Science
A public and school science center of the University of California at Berkeley.
Lee DaSilva Observatory
A private observatory near Madera.
A town in Kings county.
Lewiston Lake
A public parking area on Lewiston Lake.
Lightholder Optics Observatory
Observatory of Lightholder Optics.
Likely Place Golf & RV Resort
golf course and RV resort. Home of the Stellarvue Dark Sky Star Party.
Limekiln State Park
State park near Big Sur. Forcast also covers the lookout tower at Cone Peak.
Little Blair Valley
Little Grass Valley Reservoir
Rservoir surounded by Little Grass Valley Recreation Area with several campgrounds.
Home of the Tri-Valley Stargazers astronomy club. Forecast also covers Pleasanton.
Lockwood Observatory
A private observatory.
Lockwood Valley
Long Beach
Long Point, Glenn County
Public property (US Forest Service Mendocino National Forest).
Lookout Ranch
A private ranch.
Los Angeles
Home of the Los Angeles Astronomical Society and the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers.
Lost Valley Observatory
A private observatory between Yosemite and Kings Canyon in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Lucerne Valley
Used by the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers. In San Bernardino county.
Luz Observatory
Observatory in the Lewis Center for Educational Research. Base of the HiDAS. In Apple Valley.
MIRA Chews Ridge Observatory
Observatory of the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy.
MIRA Weaver Student Observatory
Public observatory of the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy.
Mahogany Flat Campground
A 0campground in Death Valley National Park.
Mais Observatory
A private spectroscopic observatory in Valley Center.
Mammoth Observatory
A private observatory near Mammoth Lakes.
Maple's Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around Salinas.
Mar Vista
Mariposa Fairgrounds
Fairgrounds in Mariposa county.
A town in Marin county by Tomales Bay.
Martis Creek Campground
A site used by the Astronomical Society of Nevada.
Maury Lewin Astronomical Observatory
A private observatory in Glendora.
McGee Creek
Meadow View Observatory
A private observatory.
Melinda Heights Observatory
A private observatory.
Mendota Wildlife Area
A wildlife area a few files north-east of Tranquillity.
Menlo Park
Menlo School
A school with an astronomy club. In Atherton
Mesquite Springs
In Death Valley. A site used by the Astronomical Society of Nevada, Las Vegas and the Astronomical Group of Las Vegas.
Mission Trails Regional Park
Centered on Kumeyaay Campground in Mission Trails Regional Park. Site of public star parties held by the San Diego Astronomy Association.
Moabi Regional Park
Park in Needles.
Home of the of Stanislaus Amateur Astronomers of Modesto Jr. College.
Monitor Pass
Centered on Library Park, this chart marks the site of public observing held by the Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers.
Montebello Open Space Preserve is a site used by TAC
Moreno Valley
Morgan Hill
Morrison Planetarium
Planetarium at the California Academy of Sciences. In San Francisco.
Mount Diablo
Home of the Mt. Diablo Astronomical Society.
Mount Hamilton
Home of the Lick Observatory.
Mount Laguna Observatory
Observatory of San Diego State University (SDSU).
Mount Pinos
A popular observing site in Los Padres National Forest
Mount Shasta
A town in Siskiyou county. Home of the Mount Shasta StarGazers
Mount Tamalpais State Park
Centered on Rock Springs parking area, of Mount Tamalpais State Park, a site used by the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers. Also site of astronomy programs organized by the Mt. Tamalpais Interpretive Association (MTIA).
Mount Wilson Observatory
Mountain View
Mt. SAC Observatory
Observatory of Mount San Antonio College. In Walnut.
Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial
Memorial park.
Murillo Family Observatory
Observatory of the California State University, San Bernardino.
N.A. Richardson Astronomical Observatory
Observatory of San Bernadino Valley College.
NCC Robotic Observatory
Observatory of Sierra College in Grass Valley.
Navajo Flats
A site used by the Central Coast Astronomical Society
Nevada City
Newman Vista Point
A lookout on Interstate 5.
North Point Observatory
A private observatory.
Northstar Ski Resort
Resort and site of commercial star tours. Near Lake Tahoe.
OCA Anza Observatory
Observatory of the Orange County Astronomers near Anza.
OCA Go-To Group
A private observing site in Placentia, used by some members of the Orange County Astronomers.
OCA Silverado
A site of the Orange County Astronomers near Irvine.
Oak Canyon Park
A park in town of Oak Park.
Oak Glen Preserve
Wildlife preserve of The Wildlands Conservancy used by the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers.
Oak Hills Observatory
A private observatory in Hesperia.
Oak Ridge Observatory
Observatory of the Peninsula Astronomical Society, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Occidental Observatory
Near Occidental.
Centered on Oceanside City Beach.
Old Town Pasadena
Centered Colorado Blvd, somewhere between Fair Oaks and Pasadena Ave, this charts marks the site of public observing held by the Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers.
Owl Canyon Campground
Near Barstow.
Pacheco State Park
A state park used as a dark sky site.
Pageant Avenue Observatory
A private observatory.
Palomar Observatory
Observatory, with outreach center of Caltech. Home of the 200 inch Hale Telescope
Panamint Springs
The best place to observe is the campground.
Panoche Pass
Papoose Flat
A public spot in the Inyo Mountains southeast of Big Pine.
Pardee Reservoir Recreation Area
Recreation area used as an observing site by the Stockton Astronomical Society.
A town in Monterey county.
Pauma Valley
Site of The Kathryn Hood Observatory.
Peddler Hill
A site used by the Stockton Astronomical Society.
Penn Valley
Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park
State park in Big Sur.
Pine Flat Observatory
A private observatory near California Hot Springs.
Pine Valley Creek trailhead
Trail in the Cleveland National Forest in California.
Pinhead Observatory
A private observatory in Acton.
Pinnacles Campground
Campground at the east entrance of Pinnacles National Park.
Pinon Hills
Near Wrightwood in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Pioneertown Mountains Preserve
Wildlife preserve used by the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers.
Home of the Dale Jay Steed Observatory, a private observatory. A site used by members of TAC and the SJAA. Near Mariposa.
Plumas Lake Observatory
A private observatory.
Poinsettia Observatory
A private observatory in Poway.
Point Richmond
A site of the RECON project
Powerpoint Lookout
A lookout and Ancient native American natural power spot Saratoga Springs Retreat Center. (No connection to presentation software.)
Putah Creek Observatory
Future site of a private observatory in Pope Valley.
A site of the RECON project
Ramona Observatory
A private observatory near Ramona.
Ranchita Canyon Observatory
A private observatory Monterey County.
Rancho Cañada del Oro
An Open Space Preserve of the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority. Used by the San Jose Astronomical Association for public outreach.
Rancho Cordova
A private site of the Sacramento Valley Active Astronomers Research Group.
Rancho Del Sol Observatory
A private observatory near Camino.
Rancho Mirage Library and Observatory
AKA The City of Rancho Mirage Public Library and Observatory.
Rancho del Rio Observatory
A private observatory
Red Rock Canyon State Park
A state park used by local clubs for star parties.
Redman Observatory
A private observatory.
Redondo Beach
In the general area of the South Bay Astronomical Society. Forecast also covers Manhattan Beach.
Redrock Inyokern Road
Used by the South Bay Astronomical Society.
Redwood Mountain View
A vacation rental.
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Science center at Balboa Park. Site of Stars in the Park public star parties held by the San Diego Astronomy Association. in San Diego.
Rio Vista
A town in Solano county.
Robert Brownlee Observatory
An observatory of the Mountain Skies Astronomical Society. At MSAS Astronomy Village near Lake Arrowhead.
Robert Ferguson Observatory
Observatory in Sugar Loaf Ridge State Park near Kenwood.
Rock Hill Observatory
A private observatory in Grass Valley.
Rock Mountain Observatory
A private observatory near Fallbrook.
Rock Springs Observatory
A private observatory.
Rolling Roof Observatory
A private observatory near Thousand Oaks.
Rosamond Skypark
A private residential skypark in Rosamond.
Rose Valley Campground
A campground in Los Padres National Forest.
Ross Creek Observatory
A private observatory in San Jose.
Royer Oaks Observatory
An observatory with public star parties.
Rubicon Observatory
A private observatory of a member of the Ukiah Astronomical Society. Near lake Mendocino.
Rustic Valley Observator
A private observatory.
SPARQ Observatory
Observatory of SPARQ at Piner High School. In Santa Rosa.
Home of the Sacrameto Valley Astronomical Association.
Saddleback Butte
A State Park used as a star party site by The Antelope Valley Astronomy Club.
Saddleback Observatory
A private observatory.
Saint Mary's College Observatory
AKA Geissberger Observatory. Observatory of Saint Mary's College.
Salton Sea State Recreation Area
State park used by some members of the Pomona Valley Amateur Astronomers
San Bernardino County Museum
Museum and meeting place, with public astronomy of the San Bernardino Valley Amateur Astronomers. In Redlands.
San Clemente
San Clemente Island (North)
Chart covers the north half of San Clamente Island.
San Diego
Home of the San Diego Astronomy Association.
San Francisco
Home of the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers and the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers.
San Francisco State University Observatory
Observatory of SFSU at Thornton Hall.
San Jose
Home of the San Jose Astronomical Association.
San Mateo
San Onofre State Beach
State beach just south fo San Clamente.
San Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park
State park and site of of monthly star parties.
San Rafael
A site used by the used by the Marin Observers.
San Ramon
Site of outreach events held by the Eastbay Astronomical Society.
Sandstone Trailhead
Head of the Standstone Peak Trail. Used by members of the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers among others.
Santa Barbara
Home of The Astronomical Unit club.
Santa Clarita
Santa Cruz
Home of the Santa Cruz Astronomy Club.
Santa Margarita Lake
A site in Santa Margarita Lake Regional Park used by the Central Coast Astronomcal Society.
Santa Maria
In Santa Barbara county.
Santa Monica Canyon Observatory
A private observatory.
Santa Monica Mountains Observatory
A private observatory near Los Angeles.
Santa Paula
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa Mountain
Centered on the trail to the summit. Also close to Santa Rosa Campground.
Santa Teresa Spring
Santaluz Observatory
Observatory in Santaluz Club.
Sawmill Trailhead
A site used by the Astronomical Society of the Desert. Near Pinyon Flats
Schreder Planetarium
A planetarium with public observing sessions. In Redding.
Scripps Ranch Observatory
A private observatory.
Sea Ranch
A private ranch near Gualala.
Selkovitch's Observatory
Shasta Dam
Shaver Lake
Shelter Cove
A town in Humboldt county.
Shot Rock
A spot along the Carson Pass Highway.
Sierra Remote Observatories
A group of observatories in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, dedicated to state-of-the-art robotic/remote imaging and data acquisition.
Sierra Skies Observatory
A private observatory.
Sierra Stars Observatory
A private observatory near Paynesville.
Silverwood Lake
Actually near the south-east shore of the lake. Forecast also covers the Silverwood lake State Recreation Area.
Simi Valley
Home of the Ventura County Astronomical Society.
SkiesAway Remote Observatories
A commerical observatory hosting remote telescopes.
SkyScapes Observatory
A private observatory in Borrego Springs.
SkyStar Observatory
A private observatory in San Diego Country Estates.
Sonoma State University Observatory
observatory in Sonoma State University. Near Rohnert Park and Cotati
Sonrisa Observatory
A private observatory near Escondido.
Sorrento Mesa Observatory
A private observatory.
South Fork Observatory
A private observatory near Three Rivers.
South Lake Tahoe
Spencers Crossing
A neighborhood in Winchester, CA
A town in Tulare county and home of the Tule River Amateur Astronomers
Centers on the Student Observatory of Stanford University. Home of the Stanford Astronomical Society.
Stanford Faculty Observatory
A private observatory of a faculty member of Stanford University.
Star Camp Observatory
A private observatory.
Starry Kingdom Observatory
A private observatory in Laytonville.
Home of the Stockton Astronomical Society.
Stony Ridge Observatory
An observatory in the Angeles National Forest
Summit View Observatory
A private observatory in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Table Mountain Observatory
Observatory at Table Mountain Facility which is operated by JPL. Near Wrightwood.
Tassi Observatory
A private observatory near Ramona.
Taylor Observatory
A community Observatory in Kelseyville.
Tehachapi Mountain Observatory
A private observatory near Tehachapi.
Tehachapi Municipal Airport
An observing site of the Greater Tehachapi Astronomers.
Telegraph City
A site used by some members of the Stockton Astronomical Society.
Telescope Row
A parking lot in Joeseph D. Grant County Park used by the Halls Valley Astronomical Group for public star parties.
Home of the The Temecula Valley Astronomers.
Templin Hwy
A dirt parking lot at Templin Highway and Ridge Route. Used by members of the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers among others.
Teutonia Peak
A site used by the Astronomical Society of Nevada, Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Astronomical Society and the Astronomical Group of Las Vegas.
The Bishop's Ranch
Retreat and conference center.
The Sky's The Limit Observatory and Nature Center
Observatory and nature center in Twentynine Palms.
Thomas Observatory
A private observatory.
Thousand Palms
Star Party Site for the Astronomical Society of the Desert.
Tierra del Sol
Site used by San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA)
Tisdale Boat Launch
A public boat launch, though there is a fee.
Tracy Airport
Tralfamadore Observatory
A private observatory.
Public site used by Astronomical Society of Nevada. Near Chilcoot.
Trilobite Wilderness
A Wilderness Area of geological interest. It's also a dark observing spot.
Trona Pinnacles
A BLM site in the north Mojave desert.
Tujunga Observatory
A private observatory in Tujunga.
Tularcitos Observatory
A site used by the Mira Observers Group
A site of the RECON project
A town in Stanislaus county.
Twentynine Palms Airport
An airport near Twentynine Palms.
Two Goats Observatory
A private site affiliated with the Antelope Valley Astronomy Club.
University of California San Diego
UCSD is actually located in La Jolla.
Vallejo Observatory
A private observatory site close to Vallejo.
Vandenberg Village
Vasquez Rocks
A Natural Area Park used as a star party site by The Local Group.
A town in Tulare.
Vista Hill
A lookout in Foothills Park in Palo Alto. Site of star parties held by the Peninsula Astronomical Society.
Vista Trail
Trail and overlook in Sonoma County.
WYA Eastern Lassen Site
A informal site used by the West Yolo Astronomers in the Lassen National Forest near the town of Red Rock.
Walker Pass Campground
Campground and dark-sky site.
Waltz Road
A a spot along Waltz road. Near Wheatland.
Washington Road Scenic Overlook
Public property (US Forest Service).
WeBeWebbiers Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around Temecula.
Webb Schools Observatory
A observatory of The Webb Schools.
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
A national recreation area west of Redding. This chart is centered on the parking lot of the Shasta Mine Loop Trailhead. It is site of astronomy programs led by the park rangers and is used as an observing site by the Shasta Astronomy Club.
Whitewater Preserve
Preserve of the The Wildlands Conservancy and site of public star parties. In Whitewater Canyon.
Wilson Hill Observatory
A private observatory near Shingletown.
Woodland Hills
Yamada Observatory
A private observatory in Wonder Valley, east of Fresno.
Yuba City Astronomical Observatory
A private observatory in Yuba City.
Yucca Valley
Home of the Andromeda Society.

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