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Clear Sky Charts
in Massachusetts

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A star party for youngsters in Acton and Boxborough.
Home of the Amherst Astronomy Association.
Anna Maria College
Used as an observing site by the Aldrich Astronomical Society. Near Paxton.
Arunah Hill
A non-profit Natural Science Center. Near West Cummington.
AstroGeek's Observatory
A private observatory in Bridgewater.
Astronight Observatory
A private observatory in North Billerica.
Ayer Observatory
Observatory of Milton Academy.
Berkshire School Observatory
Observatory of Berkshire School in Sheffield.
Black Star Observatory
A private observatory in Pittsfield.
Blackstar II Observatory
A private observatory near Camp Ashmere.
Borderline Observatory
Near Rowe.
Home of the ATMoB. Also home of the Judson B. Coit Observatory of Boston University and the Harvard College Observatory of Harvard University.
Bristol Community College Observatory
Observatory of Bristol Community College. In Fall River.
Cahall Observatory
A observatory of Thayer Academy.
Cape Cod Imaging Station
Near East Dennis.
Carpenter Museum
Museum and home of the Astronomical Society of Southern New England(ASSNE).
Cat's Paw Observatory
A private observatory near Seekonk.
Chelmsford High School
Near Chelmsford Center.
Clay Center Observatory
Observatory and science center at Dexter and Southfield Schools.
DaltonSkyGazer Observatory
A private observatory in Dalton.
DarkSkies Observatory
A private observatory in Gardner, MA
Deepsky Observatory
A private observatory in West Waltham.
Deerfield Academy Planetarium
Planetarium of Deerfield Academy in Deerfield.
Driftway Observatory
A private observatory near Westport.
Edmonds Observatory
Observatory at Tabor Academy.
Edward Knight Observatory
Observatory of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston (ATMoB). In Westford.
Edwelda Observatory
A private observatory near Woburn.
Far Reach Observatory
A private observatory.
George R. Wallace, Jr. Astrophysical Observatory
Observatory of MIT near Westford. AKA Wallace Observatory.
Gooseberry Island
A small historical island off the coast of Westport. Forecast also covers Horseneck Beach State Reservation.
Halibut Point
An observing site of the Gloucester Area Astronomy Club.
Hopkins Observatory
Observatory of Williams College. In Williamstown.
Howe Observatory
A private observatory near New Braintree.
Humarock Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around Humarock.
Lake Sky Observatory
A private observatory near Lake Chaubunagungamaug.
Lynch Park
A city park in Beverly.
Many Worlds Cross Observatory
A private observatory.
Martha's Vineyard
An island four miles off the coast of Cape Cod. Home of the Martha's Vineyard Amateur Astronomy Club.
Middlesex School Observatory
Observatory of Middlesex School, in Concord.
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary
Wildlife sanctuary with public observing events.
Myles Standish State Forest
Centered on the parking lot at College Pond in Myles Standish State Forest.
Nantucket Island
Home of the Loines Observatory and Vestal Street observatory of the Maria Mitchell Association. Forecast covers the whole of Nantucket Island.
New England Sci-Tech Astronomy
A non-profit STEM education center with public telescope nights. In Natick.
North Ashburnham Observatory
A private observatory in Ashburnham.
North Falmouth
Forecast also covers the towns of Pocasset and West Falmouth.
Home of Smith College.
Northfield Mountain Environmental Center
Site of the Connecticut River Valley Astronomer's Conjunction
Home of the South Shore Astronomical Society.
Oak Ridge Observatory
Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center.
Plum Island
RAC Summer Star Party
Star party held by the Rockland Astronomy Club at Peppermint Park Camping Resort.
Richard Schueller Observatory
Observatory of UMass Lowell. Home of the UML Astronomy Club.
Rockbottom Observatory
A private observatory operated by the Skylight Astronomical Society.Near Stow.
A town in Hampden county.
Starhoo Observatory
A private observatory near Lakeville.
The BD Software Observatory
A private observatory in North Reading, MA.
The Crystal Spring
A private observing site somewhere around Mattapoisett.
The Rose Dorothea Observatory
A private observatory near Provincetown.
UFOWorks Observatory
A private observatory in Sturbridge.
VSOR Observatory
A private observatory in Waltham.
Veasey Memorial Park
Primary observing site of the North Shore Amateur Astronomy Club. In Groveland.
Wheaton College Observatory
Observatory, with public viewing, of Wheaton College.
Whitin Observatory
Observatory of Wellesley College In Wellesley.
Wilder Skies Observatory
A private observatory near Bolton.
Williston Observatory
Observatory of Mount Holyoke Colleg. In South Hadley
Home of WPI and Clark University.

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