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AAAA Galway
An observing site of the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers. Near Galway.
Adirondack Astronomy Retreat
A star party held at Twin Valleys Camp, near Lewis. Home of SUNY Plattsburgh's David H. Levy Observatory.
Adirondack Public Observatory
Observatory near Tupper Lake.
Afterwood Observatory
A private observatory
Home of the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers.
Altona Observatory
A private observatory near Altona.
Angel Light Observatory
A private observatory near DeRuyter.
Armour Observatory
A private observatory.
AstroDNA Observatory
A private observatory.
Au Sable Forks Observatory
A private observatory in Au Sable Forks.
Averted Vision Observatory
A private observatory near Wilton.
B & P Myers Observatory
A private observatory near West Leyden.
Baltimore Woods Nature Center
Nature Center and site of star parties.
Beaver Meadow Observatory
Observatory of the Buffalo Astronomical Association. Near North Java.
Bellvale Observatory
A private observatory near Chester.
Black Bear Observatory
A private observatory.
Black Forest
In Adirondack Park. Along the Black River between North Wilmurt and Atwell.
Blue Heron Cove Observatory
A private observatory.
Bolton Landing
On Lake George, NY.
Breyo Observatory
Observatory of Siena College.
Broadway Observatory
A private observatory.
Brockport State Observatory
An observatory on the campus of SUNY Brockport.
Home of the Buffalo Astronomical Association.
C.E.K. Mees Observatory
Observatory of the University of Rochester. Near Hornell.
CNYAC Observatory
Observatory of the Central New York Astronomy Club.
CSI Astrophysical Observatory
"Observatory of the College of Staten Island - CUNY. Is also IAU Asteroid Monitoring Station #294>
Camp Observatory
A private observatory in North Blenheim.
Caumsett State Park
State park and altnernate public-observing site of the Amateur Observers' Society of New York. In Lloyd Neck, Huntington.
Christel Observatory
A private observatory
Clarence Fahnestock Memorial State Park
A state park near Carmel.
Clarkson Observatory
AKA Reynolds Observatory. Observatory of Clarkson University in Potsdam.
Used by the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers.
Corvus Observatory
A private observatory somewhere around North Chatham.
Custer Institute
Long Island's only public observatory. In Southold.
DaVinci Observatory
A private observatory near Lockport.
Dad's Nest
A private observing site near Mayfield.
Darling Hill Observatory
Obsevatory of the Syracuse Astronomical Society. Near Tully.
Home to some members of the S*T*A*R Astronomy.
Draper Park
A site used by the Westchester Amateur Astronomers. Near Hastings-on-Hudson.
Eileen Collins Observatory
An Observatory of Corning Community College.
Ellicottville Observatory
A private observatory near Ellicottville.
Elliott-Astronomy Observatory
A public observatory.
Ernest B Wright Observatory
Observatory at Hartwick College. In Oneonta.
Eyeline Observatory
A private observatory in Ransomville.
Fair Haven
A town in Cayuga county.
Finger Lakes Regional Airport
Also covers the north-central portion of the Finger Lakes area.
A town in Dutchess County county.
Fleischmanns Observatory
A private observatory near Fleischmanns .
Floyd Bennett Field
Used by some members of the Amateur Astronomers Association of NY and NYSkies Astronomy. In southern Brooklyn.
Foggy Bottom Observatory
Observatory of Colgate University in Hamilton.
Forest Lake
A lake in the municipality of Livingston Manor.
Fredonia Observatory
Observatory of Fredonia State University of New York.
Gabriel Lake
Used by some members of the Amateur Astronomers Association of NY. Near Smallwood.
George Landis Arboretum
Arboretum used as an observing site by the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers. Near Esperance.
Glens Falls
Grafton Lakes State Park
State park used by the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers for star parties.
GrandIsland Sky Watchers
A private observing site. Forecast covers Grand Island.
Graystar Observatory
A private observatory near Seaford.
Great Neck South High Big Blue Rebel Observatory
Observatory of the science section of Great Neck South High School
Half Hollow Hills
Home of the HHH HSE Astronomy Club and the Half Hollow Hills Planetarium . In Dix Hills.
Hamlin Beach State Park
State Park on the south shore of Lake Ontario.
Hamptons Observatory
A not-for-profit observatory in East Hampton. Formerly Montauk Observatory
Hart Island
Hewlett Observatory
A private observatory near Canton.
Highwinds Observatory
A private observatory in Geneseo.
Hirsch Observatory
Observatory of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy.
Holt Rd. Observatory
A private observatory in Keene Valley.
Home of the Cornell Astronomical Society. Also home of the Clinton B. Ford Observatory of Ithaca College. Forecast also covers the nearby Fuertes and Hartung-Boothroyd observatories of Cornell University.
JGS Observatory
A private observatory in Amenia.
James Baird State Park
State park near Poughkeepsie.
Kellogg Observatory
Observatory of the Buffalo Museum of Science in Buffalo.
Kitters Angola Observatory
A private observatory affiliated with the Buffalo Astronomical Association and South West Florida Astronomical Society.
Knox Octagon Barn
Site of lectures and star parties held by The Dudley Observatory.
Kopernik Observatory
Observatory of the Kopernik Astronomical Society.
Kristina Observatory
A private observatory near Long Beach.
Lake Harris Campground
Campground on the shore of Lake Harris.
Lake Taghkanic State Park
A park used by the Rockland Astronomy Club and site of monthly star parties held by the Mid-Hudson Astronomical Association (MHAA). Near Jackson Corners.
Lake Titus Observatory
Near Malone.
Lewis County Fairgrounds
Fairgrounds near Lowville.
Lime Lake
A lake near Machias.
Lone Pine Observatory
A private observatory
Long Lake
Home of Penguin Rock Observatory.
Long Point on Lake Chautauqua
A state park on Chautauqua Lake. Used by the Southern Tier Astronomy Recreation Society (STARS) .
Los Gatos B&B
Bed and Breakfast with star parties. In Penn Yan.
M & T Observatory
A private observatory.
MVAS Observatory
An observatory of the Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society
Marshall Hill Observatory
A private observatory in Medina.
Martz-Kohl Observatory
Near Jamestown. Observatory of the Martz Astronomical Association
A town in St. Lawrence county.
Memorial Field of Flushing
A park in Queens.
Middlebury Observatory
A private observatory.
Mills Norrie State Park
Two adjacent state parks Margaret Lewis Norrie State Park and Ogden Mills & Ruth Livingston Mills State Park. Home of the Norrie Point Environmental Site
Millsite Lake
Near the Indian River State Wildlife Preserve and the town of Alexandria Bay.
Monsey Observatory
A private observatory.
Montauk Point State Park
A state park at the eastermost end of Long Island.
Morehouse Lake Observatory
A private observatory near Hoffmeister.
Mt. Stony Brook Observatory
Observatory of Stony Brook University. Used by the Stony Brook Undergraduate Astronomy Club.
North East Astronomy Forum, a convention of the Rockland Astronomy Club with solar observing. In Suffern.
National Golf Links of America
A golf course.
New Paltz
An observing site of the Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association.
New York City
Home of the Amateur Astronomers Association of NY, the Amateur Observers' Society of New York, Inc and NYSkies Astronomy.
Niagara Falls
North-South Lake
Campground in the Catskill Forest Preserve.
Norton Cemetery
A public cemetary. Site of impromptu public stargazing held by a small group of amateur astronomers. In Keene.
Old Forge
Orbit Jet Observatory
An observatory near Colden.
Ossian Observatory
A private ovservatory in Ossian.
Oyster Bay
Peppermill Skies Observatory
A private observatory on Long Island.
Perry Observatory
A private observatory in Manorville, NY.
Peters Observatory
Observatory of Hamilton College. In Clinton.
Forecast also covers Chichester, Lanesville, Mt. Tremper, Willow and Shandaken.
A town in Clinton county.
Port Chester
Port Jervis
Rand Observatory II
MPC W71. A private observatory in Lake Placid.
A town in Albany county.
Richard S. Perkin Observatory
A private observatory of Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
Robert Moses State Park
A site used by the Amateur Observers Society and the Astronomical Society of Long Island .
Home of the RIT Observatory, the R.I.T. Astronomy Club and the The Astronomy Section of the Rochester Academy of Science (ASRAS).
SUNY Ulster
Aka Ulster County Community College. Site of public astronomy events. Located at Stone Ridge, Ulster County.
Sam's Point
Sam's Point Dwarf Pines Barrens Preseve. Used by the Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association. Near Ellenville.
Sanders Preserve
A nature preserve in Glenville.
Saranac Lake Observatory
A private observatory near Saranac Lake.
Schroon Lake
A town and lake in Essex county.
Selkirk Shores State Park
Centered on the beach of the state park.
Shinnecock Hills Golf Club
A golf course.
Solis Lacus Observatory
A private observatory in Binghamton.
South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center
Home of Stamford Central School.
Star Watcher Observatory
A private observatory near Long Island.
Stargate 4173 at Grimaldi Tower
A private observatory near Poughqaug.
Starmere Observatory
A private observatory around Hudson.
Starry Knoll
A private observing site. A few miles from Houghton.
Stone Tavern Farm
Farm and site of AOS Starfest, a starparty held by the Amateur Observers Society of New York.
Stoney Hill Observatory
A private observatory near Clarksville.
Stony Creek Ranch Resort Observatory
Privately owned observatory of The 1000 Acres Ranch Resort. Owners are members of the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers, the Shenandoah Astronomical Society, and the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club.
StonyHill Observatory
A private astronomical observatory with a weather station. On Long Island.
Stull Observatory
Observatory at Alfred University. In Alfred.
Sunken Meadow State Park
State park in King's Park, Long Island. Used by the Astronomical Society of Long Island.
Supernova Observatory
A private observatory near Floyd.
Home of the Syracuse Astronomy Society.
The HomCav Observatory
A private observatory, near Maine, NY.
The Knob
A private observatory.
The Marian and Max Farash Center for Observational Astronomy
Home of the Farash Observatory and the Wolk Observatory Rochester Academy of Science. Near Ionia.
The Mount Academy
A private school in Esopus, NY.
The Observatory at Tangleroot Farm
A private observatory of a member of the Adirondack Skywatchers and the Salem Astronomical Society.
Theodore Roosevelt Nature Center
Nature center within Jones Beach State Park on Long Island. Used by the Amateur Observers' Society of New York.
Thomas J Boyce Park
Timerson Observatory
A private observatory near Newark.
Tiplady Farms Observatory
A private observatory.
Tobey Memorial Observatory
A private observatory.
Tooley Pond
In Adirondack State park.
Transit Dreams North
A private observatory.
Union College Observatory
Observatory of Union College in Schenectady.
Upstate Stars Observatory
A private observatory.
Vanderbilt Planetarium & Observatory
Observatory and planetarium of Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport. Also a meeting place of the Astronomical Society of Long Island.
Virgil Observatory
A private observatory.
Wading River
Wakely Mountain
Chart also covers the towns of Indian Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, Inlet and Eagle Bay. The area is used by some observers from Quebec. In Adirondack Park.
Walnut Mountain Park
A site used by the Catskills Astronomy Club. Near Liberty
Waning Crescent Observatory
A private observatory near East Meadow.
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
A site used by the Westchester Amateur Astronomers. Near Cross River.
A town in Jefferson county.
Waterville Public Libarary
Library in Waterville. A site used by the Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society (MVAS).
Weathertop Observatory
Near Johnsonville.
Webster Park
A park in Monroe County, NY.
West Point Observatory
Observatory of the West Point military academy.
Wilcox Park
In Milan. A site of the Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association (MHAA).
Windy Sky Observatory
A private observatory near Bellport.
Wonder Lake State Park
Centered on Bare Hill, in Wonder Lake State Park.
Wright's Mill Observatory
A private observatory near Armonk.

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